Mini Mufflers - a small robust silencer, built to reduce the noise from compressed air and LP steam systems when they need to vent to atmosphere
Suitable for indoor and outdoor applications

Standard Muffler
Our standard muffler, suitable for air, nitrogen, LP Steam and other non-flammable gases which are being vented to atmosphere.
With a temperature limit of 160°C these mufflers are suitable for indoor and outdoor applications with pressures of up to 16 Bar.

Low-Noise Muffler
For improved performance our Low-Noise muffler is suitable for air, nitrogen, LP Steam and other non-flammable gases which are being vented to atmosphere.
With a temperature limit of 120°C these mufflers are suitable for indoor and outdoor installations for vent and blow-down duties of up to 16 Bar.

Super Silent Muffler
Our best performing mini-muffler suitable for air, nitrogen, LP Steam and other non-flammable gases which are being vented to atmosphere.
With a temperature limit of 120°C these mufflers are suitable for infoor asnd outdoor installation for vent and blow-down duties of up to 10Bar.

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